Vienna, Austria

Vienna, the city that most people would get excited for as it is rich in art, opera, and history. However, having been here by myself once before I knew that Bre and I would not love it as much as other locations in Europe so we did not plan to stay here long. The unfortunate side of budget travel is the fact that sometimes there are certain locations that just can’t be done as easily on a budget and sadly Vienna is one of them.

We made our way via bus after almost missing it due to a slow Uber driver. The Uber driver however was not the only slow thing as our bus ride ended up taking two extra hours because of traffic. Upon our arrival we checked into our last hostel of the trip. Bre is all down to save money, but believe me there is a limit to that even for her. This hostel had 8 bunk beds per room and was very hot and covered in ants. Our roommates came in at 3AM and we definitely left before they were awake.

After dropping our bags we took to the town where we saw the famous Opera house, Haydn Monument, Ankeruhr (a big clock face), and some Japanese food. Okay the last one isn’t necessarily what Vienna is known for but sometimes things smell so good you can’t say no. Also it was one of the few options that wasn’t alarming to our wallets. Sadly though Bre accidentally ordered off of the wrong menu and her food cost nearly double mine, oh well, I was just glad to have warm food rather than the rug bread from the Faroe Islands.

After dinner we made our way outside to find ourselves staring upward at St. Stephen’s Cathedral. This massive church was built in 1137 and took over 400 years to complete. Although we didn’t go inside we could tell just from the outside how impressive this building was. It was raining, so after taking a few pictures, we made our way back on the subway to our hostel for the night. 

The next day before we left Vienna, (see I told you we weren’t going to overstay our welcome) we woke up early so Bre could go for another run. Thankfully I knew just the spot for her to go, Schönbrunn Palace. This place is a huge palace complex with a large garden on a hill behind it. It has miles of trails and tons of beautiful flowers so while Bre ran, I worked on our latest YouTube video and took pictures. After this we went back to get cleaned up before taking off to our next country, which thankfully was only 45 minutes away… you have to love Europe. Until next time, get out and take a trip. 


Bratislava, Slovakia


Prague (+Berlin)